Many thanks for this final review, as well as for all your suggestions since the beginning of this revision. I am sure the article has gained in clarity and relevance. And above all, the English will make a strong impression….I also had a lot of pleasure discussing these formulations with you.
—Bertrand G.
Thanks a lot for the great work you have done for me. I’m very satisfied with your editing….You have helped to correct the grammatical errors, reduce the redundant words and sentences, point out unclear statements, improve transitions, and even correct the errors in the reference list and schemes. The manuscript is much better than the unedited one.
—J.G., Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry
I just received the acceptance confirmation from Organic Letters. Thank you once again for the superb editing job. I look forward to working with you more in the future.
—Z.M., Nankai University
Thank you very much for the perfect editing….I appreciate your working attitude and wonderful work. We’d like you edit our next manuscript which I will send you in a couple of days.
—Y.L., Nankai University
This was a very well edited paper—thank you for your attention to language detail and the informative comments to the author. This is the kind of editing that we really like to send back to our author/clients, whose goal is publication success….Looking forward to working with you in the future.
—In-house supervising editor
Thanks for your excellent revisions (as always) and many pertinent comments to the author.
—R.F., editorial colleague
Again I’m shown the depth of your skills. Much appreciated, Carlotta!
—S.C., C&T Publishing
I just wanted to give the copyeditor Carlotta Shearson “mad props,” as the kids say. I was too familiar with the book and looked past the omissions in the projects. Carlotta’s editing was precise, well thought out, and EXTREMELY helpful.
—S.C., C&T Publishing
We would like to thank copyeditor Carlotta Shearson…for a great working relationship over the past year.
—P.J. Currie and E.B. Koppelhus, eds., Dinosaur Provincial Park
Carlotta Shearson, our heroic copyeditor, improved the chapters on many levels. The book reflects her ability to expose and correct weaknesses in content as well as expression, and we are grateful for her hard work, engagement, and patience.
—R.A. Schurman and D.D.T. Kelso, eds., Recreating the World
Carlotta Shearson did a first-rate job in preparing the manuscript for publication.
—T. Valovic, Digital Mythologies
Carlotta Shearson, my copyeditor, helped smooth and sharpen my prose.
—N. Rogers, An Alternative Path
Carlotta Shearson…provided masterful copyediting.
—G. Becker, Disrupted Lives
On behalf of all of the editors, I want to thank you for the excellent and conscientious work that you’ve done for us over the past three years. From the comments that we receive, we know that the journal’s readership has definitely taken notice.
—C.H., former managing editor, JOC
Thank you for your extra careful reading of the [author name] manuscript. You raised some valid scientific points which I’m sure will add to the clarity and accuracy of the published work.
—J.A.M., Senior Editor , JOC